Univerzalno mirovno združenje

Globalno omrežje ambasadorjev za mir
„Skupna svetovna družina pod Božjim okriljem“

Univerzalno mirovno združenje (Universal Peace Federation – UPF)

je globalno združenje verskih, znanstvenih, političnih in državnih voditeljev ter pridruženih organizacij. Spodbuja in deluje za mir, kjer vsi ljudje živijo v sožitju, sodelovanju in skupnem napredku. Vizija UPF je skupna človeška svetovna družina pod Božjim okriljem, ki živi v skladu z osnovnimi splošnoveljavnimi načeli.

UPF verjame, da so vsi ljudje enakovredni. Nad njimi bedi Bog, ne glede na to, če v njega verjamejo ali ne.
UPF sodeluje z globalnim omrežjem ambasadorjev za mir. Gre za posameznike, ki živijo za druge in vzpodbujajo temeljne moralne vrednote, podpirajo družine, medversko sodelovanje, mednarodno razumevanje, osnovna načela OZN, odgovornost množičnih medijev in vzpostavitev globalne kulture miru.

Naprej Načela UPF >>


universal peace federation peace road

Ambasadorji za Mir

Ambasador za mir je naziv, ki ga UPF podeli posameznikom kot priznanje za njihova mirovna prizadevanja. Ambasadorji se trudijo služiti ljudem z vsega sveta, da bi skupaj ustvarili miroljubni svet in vzajemni napredek.

Ambasadorji za mir so vodje različnih področij javnega življenja, ki si prizadevajo graditi harmoničen svet s pomočjo načel Univerzalnega mirovnega združenja.

universal peace federation peace road

Načela Ambasadorjev za mir: 

  • Vsi smo skupna svetovna družina ; 
  • Človeške vrednote imajo izvor v duhovnosti in moralnosti ; 
  • Družina je šola ljubezni in miru ; 
  • Spravo med ljudmi in narodi lahko dosežemo le z vodilom „življenja za dobrobit drugih“;
  • Svetovni mir lahko dosežemo s sodelovanjem onkraj etničnih, verskih in državnih meja.

Naprej - UPF Ambasadorji za Mir >>

RALLY OF HOPE, 9th May , 2021
Launch of THINK TANK 2022

For the realization of Heavenly Unified world

Relly of Hope 2021

VIDEO: Think Tank 2022, 6th Rally of Hope

Nekateri od udeležencev:

Relly of Hope 2021
Relly of Hope 2021
Relly of Hope 2021
Relly of Hope 2021

6th Rally of Hope Online - World Leaders Spearhead New Approaches to Peace

Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula and the Launch of THINK TANK 2022

 Sunday, May 9, 2021 European Summary Broadcast at 6:00 PM CET www.RallyofHope.eu

The 6th Rally of Hope, hosted by the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), was live-streamed from South Korea onSunday, May 9 and simultaneously in time zones around the world.

 This ground-breaking event series has caught the attention of millions of people worldwide with its focus on world peace and the reunification of the Korean Peninsula. As an exciting next step, world leaders and influencers are joining forces for the launch of “Think Tank 2022”—a global network of experts in all sectors and fields that will comprise “expert working groups” linked to UPF’s seven international associations.

 “These Expert Working Groups will develop a series of programs, including webinars, fact-finding tours, consultations, confidence-building efforts, and people-to-people diplomacy with high-level delegations to visit key nations,” said UPF Chairman Dr. Thomas G. Walsh. “Think Tank 2022 will seek to support and augment the work of government agencies and multilateral organizations dedicated to the promotion of peace on the Korean Peninsula as we continue to explore every avenue to break through toward truly bringing about lasting peace.” 

 Think Tank 2022 will leverage the wisdom of top thought leaders, experts, and elected officials while uplifting the voices of those who know the value of freedom, faith, family and living for the sake of others. Think Tank 2022 will utilize collective wisdom and intelligence in pursuit of strategy, policies, and shaping public opinion to pull North Korea into the family of nations. 

 UPF co-founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who was born in what is now North Korea, will host the rally. A prestigious international roster of Keynote Speakers—including two Nobel Laureates and a COVID-19 vaccine developer—will address the critical challenges of our time and new opportunities for peacebuilding in all sectors of society.

Distinguished speakers include: 

  •  H.E. Mohamed Bazoum, President, Niger
  •   Hon. Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General, United Nations (2007-2016)
  •   H.E. José Manuel Barroso, President, European Commission (2004-14) (EU-Nobel Laureate)
  •   Hon. David Beasley, Executive Director, UN World Food Programme (WFP-Nobel Laureate)
  •   Prof. Sarah Gilbert, Co-Developer, Oxford Vaccine
  •   Hon. Newt Gingrich, Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives (1995-1999)
  •   Rev. Jonathan Falwell, Senior Pastor, Thomas Road Baptist Church
  •   Mr. Jim Rogers, Chairman, Beeland Interests, Inc. 

 The Rally of Hope series—which transcends political, religious, racial and ideological boundaries—seeks to build a unified and more peaceful world around the core ideals of interdependence (mutual respect, cooperation, and recognition of our common humanity), mutual prosperity (reduction of extreme poverty and commitment to human flourishing), and universal values (the faith-based common ground that we share across boundaries of nationality, religion, culture, and race). 

 “I will devote the remainder of my life to ending war, immorality and greed, and liberating God’s heart so that we can build a world overflowing with true peace and love.” - Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon 

 Since August 2020, there have been five Rallies of Hope, each drawing more than 10 million online participants from around the world. Globally renowned leaders have addressed a range of issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental degradation, poverty and inequality, ethnic and race relations, and international security.

Mir na Korejskem polotoku

Na Korejskem polotoku je hladna vojna med velesilami razdelila en narod s skupno zgodovino, kulturo in jezikom.
Konference in forumi UPF vključujejo vodilne diplomate in znanstvenike, da bi ponudili rešitve zapletenih odnosov med Severno in Južno Korejo.

Shodi upanja

Od leta 2018 je UPF izvedla vrsto seminarjev in virtualnih konferenc. Vrhunec je bil prvi Shod upanja (Rally of Hope) , ki je potekal avgusta 2020 za milijonsko občinstvo. Vključenih je bilo na tisoče svetovnih voditeljev iz vseh področij družbe.